

Трудовое Право в Вопросах и Ответах
Афиша, Сентябрь 2009


Право На Подходящие Рабочие Условия При Болезни Или Инвалидности
Афиша, Октябрь 2009


Флирт на Работе: Миф и Правда
Факт, Сентябрь 2009


Client Reviews
I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for all of the hard work and dedication that led to yesterday's outcome. I really truly appreciate all that you have done over the last two years. The good guys prevailed!!! You really do provide a valuable service to the world in protecting the rights of good people who have been harmed. And it's always nice when we can make money while also doing good in the world. Rick
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